Delivery and pickup

Delivery and pickup
When you place an order on the website, you will receive a reminder of the expected delivery time. Our team will try our best to complete the delivery within the estimated time, but we cannot guarantee that the goods will be delivered to you within the estimated time.
We insure each order during the shipping process until the goods are delivered or picked up. When picking up the merchandise, you need to sign the receipt of the merchandise confirmation. After signing, you begin to take responsibility for the goods. If the pick-up person is not the original purchaser, or the delivery is a gift, it means that you accept the signature of the above-mentioned person as proof of delivery and that we have completed your order and accept the transfer of related responsibilities. We reserve the right to update the shipping policy at our own discretion without prior notice.
return the goods
We want to provide you with the best online shopping experience, so we have a free, no-reason return policy. If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with the product, you can return the product and get a full refund.
a) Customers can return the goods within 7 days after ordering.
b) The returned goods must remain in their original condition: that is, unworn/used, placed in undamaged original brand packaging boxes and bags, and all
price tags are intact.
If you wish to return an item, please fill in the return form received during delivery, and return the item with the original packaging to our address. If you do not keep the purchase form, please call our customer service team and we will reissue it to you by email.
Please note that there is no refund of shipping costs when returning goods.
Your rights
These terms of service are not intended to affect your rights under the laws of Taiwan.
The opinions expressed by designers, companies or third parties and their affiliates who sell products on this website to any media are purely their personal opinions. We are not responsible for any of these views